She Deserves An Encore...

She Deserves An Encore...

Give her an Encore!  She deserves it for all she does.

Celebrate the symbol of your everlasting love by completing your look with a matching set. With diamond pendants and earrings to compliment your beautiful Tacori diamond engagement ring, you'll think of your love every time you look in the mirror.

Some of our favourite Encore pieces - we love how bright they shine with details that only Tacori designs.  Available in rose-gold, yellow-gold and white-gold.

Like what you see?  Visit our TACORI Pop-Up Shop October 21st and 22nd at GMG Jewellers and shop the entire Tacori collection.  500 of the latest Tacori engagement rings - every ring, every colour of metal, every diamond shape and size!  250 wedding band combinations and 100 Royal T rings.  It's an event you don't want to miss out on!

A Wedding For Two

A Wedding For Two

All The Details

All The Details